Thursday, December 30, 2010

page and pageContext in JSP

as we know the page and pageContext is the two important objects in real JSP implementation.

please go through the following Example and i need your Comments so that i can gain some thing....


<b>Page context Details<br>
Page context Adddress  :<%=pageContext%><br>
Page context Adddress.toString()  :<%=pageContext.toString()%><br>
Page Context hashCode  :<%=pageContext.hashCode()%><br>
Current Object Address  :<%=this%><br>

<b>Page Details <br>

Page Address  :<%=page%><br>
Page Address. toString()  :<%=page.toString()%><br>

Page hashCode  :<%=page.hashCode()%><br>

the Out put is......

1.Page context Details
2.Page context Adddress 3.:org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl@5ebc6e
4. Page context Adddress.toString() 5.:org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl@5ebc6e
6.Page Context hashCode :6208622
7.Current Object Address 8.:org.apache.jsp.AdminSaaS.sample_jsp@a7f8a4

9.Page Details
10.Page Address :org.apache.jsp.AdminSaaS.sample_jsp@a7f8a4
11.Page Address. toString() 12.:org.apache.jsp.AdminSaaS.sample_jsp@a7f8a4
13.Page hashCode :11008164

please notify that 8 th and 10 th line out put is same.....

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